Portfolio Daniel Franz

Formula Student


Development and production of a single-seater electric racecar.

Schanzer Racing Electric - Formula Student Ingolstadt

Schanzer Racing

In a team of about 80 students, Schanzer Racing develops and builds an electric drive racecar every year to compete at Formula Student Electric (FSE). Since the season 2016/2017, the team also creates an autonomous electric vehicle to take part at Formula Student Driverless (FSD). Within the competition it‘s not only about the fastest car. The design process and business report is also very important to gain points. Besides the competition, the people and the fun it is also important how challenges are handeled. This is key to a successful team. Feel free to visit the website of Schanzer Racing Electric for further information:

season 2016

While studying mechatronics in Ingolstadt, I started working at the Formula Student team in 2015, the second semester due to my interest in racecars. During the two and a half year long membership at Schanzer Racing Electric I mainly worked i the areas of chassis and design. Besides the development of a car I learned a lot about fiber reinforced plastics, teamwork and leadership. Furthermore, I got insight in the complexity of a complete development and construction of a car (in Catia V5) and, thanks to the cooperation with Virtuelles Studio GmbH, in the process of rendering a realistic car scene (in VRED). If you are interested, you can find the video on Youtube:

season 2017

For the racecar of 2017 my position was chief of chassis and team leader of aerodynamics. Furthermore I was a board member of the association. During that time I was involved in the design, build and assembly of the cfrp body and all the aerodynamic parts. An individual project besides that was the development of the seat. Below you can see the manufacturing process of the cfrp seatshell for our season 16/17 vehicle. The result is a very light (under three kilograms), durable and exactly fitting seat especially made for our drivers. It‘s made for a comfortable and solid seating experience while driving fast around hard corners.