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Trailbike Frame
Smooth and efficient.
Full suspension MTB frame design - individual project, dreiformstudio GmbH
geometry creation
The first step is the construction of basic framepoints within grasshopper. The target bicycle is a 29" mid travel full suspension trail bike.
geometry evaluation
Due to a direct export to Excel, geometry data like Anti-squat, Anti-rise, Leverage-ratio and Chain-growth is directly visible.
blender import
A baseline geometry with reasonable values was exported as side pictures to Blender. To ensure a working concept, the framepoints are displayed in zero, 30 and 100 percent of suspension travel.
concept modeling
Polygon modeling is a fast and powerfull way to explore shape and proportion in an early design state. The bike I designed is a modern carbon trailbike.
geometry changes
After importing a low-res polygon model into grasshopper and assigning it to the geometry points you can change the geometry and the polygon model will follow.
3D model of the frame concept including mockup parts.